"We value your time so that you got more of that to play ping pong"
If you want to know something, the internet is almost always the first place to go. This is not different with table tennis questions. The multitude of results is often rather a burden than a help.
Ideal would be a site that bundles all the information you need. This is exactly the goal of Ping Pong Guide. We value your time and want to provide you with the quick and clear answers you are looking for.
About Me

Hi, I’m Thimo and I started pingpong-guide.com – not because I’m the best table tennis expert, but because I simply enjoy playing table tennis and writing about it.
For me, table tennis is a fascinating sport that I have enjoyed all my life. It doesn’t matter if I play a serious nerve-wrecking match or just relax and hit the ball back and forth with friends and have a good time.
Exactly this fun I would like to pass on with this site to you and all table tennis-interested. And the nice thing is? The sport is suitable for almost everyone: from young and old, from the couch potato to the competitive athlete – everyone can play at his or her level and have fun.
While playing table tennis, looking for new equipment or just out of interest, I always came across many questions and searched for the answer on the internet. So that you don’t have to research so long, you can find the answers I found in our blog.
The latest Answers
7 Great Places to Play Table Tennis – (There is always one)
Do you feel like playing table tennis, but don’t know where? Don’t worry! This post should help you find just...
Read PostThe History of Table Tennis – How it was invented and more
Isn’t it crazy sometimes that every sport, no matter how great, has evolved from a simple gimmick? It’s no different...
Read PostTable Tennis Doubles Rules – Serve, Right Order and More
Do you know this? You’re playing table tennis doubles with your friends but no one is really sure how to...
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